Sunday, February 27, 2011

Visio printing defaults

Visio 2007 was causing a maddening problem where it would insist on printing to the rear tray (manual feed) on my Canon MX860 rather than the bottom cassette. It was the only application doing this. Setting the print options through the usual File...Print...Properties... had no effect. Setting the printer defaults through start...Printers and Faxes...[printer name]...Printing Preferences... also didn't help. It was getting to be a "PC LOAD LETTER?! WTF?!" situation.

I found similar questions/complaints in several online forums but no answer. Rather than registering for each forum with my solution, here's what worked for me:

On each worksheet,
select File...Page Setup...
Source = Cassette
Verify this setting by checking File...Print...Properties

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